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5 Things You Didn’t Know About LED

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you have likely read about how LED-lit products have lots of benefits, and can help you save money. But although almost everybody knows LED lights are energy-efficient, there are probably some things you didn’t know about LED, until now…

  1. Who invented LEDs. The first ever visible-spectrum Light-Emitting Diode (LED) was invented in 1962 by a guy named Nick Holonyak, Jr. He was an employee at GE. Since the invention of the LED, lots of innovations have been made to reduce the costs of producing LED bulbs, making them an affordable, superior lighting solution.
  2. How they work. LEDs are solid-state lighting that works by converting electricity into visible light.
  3. Why they are better than incandescent light bulbs. LEDs have been developed to the point where they are now six or seven times more energy efficient than the old light bulbs. LEDs also reduce usage of energy by greater than 80%. LEDs also last much longer, with a useful life of up to 25,000 hours or more (25 times longer than old light bulbs). Normal incandescent lights waste 90% of their energy in heat, so because LEDs release little to no heat, they use energy much more efficiently.
  4. What makes them safer. Unlike a lot of older light bulbs, LED lights do not contain poisonous mercury. And according to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, they have a much smaller impact on our environment.
  5. Where they can be used. LED light is incredibly versatile! TVs, traffic lights, vehicle brake and alert lights, toys, jewelry, home décor products – even furniture and dog collars – can be effectively equipped with LED lighting. The versatility of LED light bulbs comes from the fact that they can be small and focus light, are easy to maintain and resist breaking.

Now you know! Click here to check out our full store of LED products.