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New Year, New Room! Make the Most of Your Lighting

Have you ever wished that you could set your home apart from the others? Or are you tired of looking at the same banal walls day after day? Do you feel uninspired by your own home? If you want a resolution for 2016, maybe you should resolve to make your living space a little more lively.


Eternity LED can help! The New Year is a reminder that we should live life to the fullest because time is unceasingly marching forward and sometimes the scariest things are the ones that don’t change, especially when it comes to your environment. However, you might be surprised how much the little things matter, such as seeing things in—ahem—a new light.

Try LED Home Lighting

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Lighting affects our moods, productivity, and motivations. Employing different colors of light can be soothing or energizing, depending on your needs. If you’re not happy in your home, or you find it difficult to focus or relax there, the solution might not be new furniture. It might be better lighting.

Bringing in LED-powered colored lighting can create a new life in an old place. Your bedroom or living room will be more inviting to guests with exciting LED furniture or LED flower pots, but we also recommend our LED light strips for ambient change that can be set to suite whatever you want. These light strips can project any of their gorgeous yet subtle colors or a gradient changing light that moves through the spectrum.

We offer these light strips in lengths of 16 feet with 300 LEDs or with 150 LEDs, so you can determine what’s right for your needs and space. We also offer LED light bulbs that can be used in lamps or overhead lights to create a dazzling array of 16 changing colors with energy-efficiency that will cut down on your power bill. You can choose white lights for a normal spectrum or bathe your room in something that will lighten your spirits, set the mood, or change it up this January, be it purple, aqua, yellow, or more!

Our light strips are currently on sale, so get them while you can at our current bargain rates! You’ll be amazed what a difference a little light can make in any room of the house, and for even more LED products and possibilities for the New Year, check out the rest of the Eternity LED store!